Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Inaugural Post - 2011/08/27

Join us as we chronicle our transition from Vancouver, Canada - one of the "greenest" cities in the world - to Townsville, Australia - one of several "Redneck Rivieras" in Queensland.

Our goal is to maintain and improve the progressive lifestyle we have refined over the past several years despite the feeling that we've traveled back in time. Spending money is a political act for us. We vote with our dollars everyday by supporting environmentally and socially responsible products as much as possible... and boycotting everything else.

Follow us as we find our way down under...

Download and listen to our very first podcast: Episode 001

Then leave us a comment or question below.

Kim & Jodie


  1. Only Jodie could break a tupperware... Maybe you should have a squiz about the dishwasher before you use it next time!

    Good job ladies! Nice to meet you Kim! Glad to hear both of you!!!


  2. I loved hearing your voices! Jodie's again for the first time in many years and Kim's for the very first time. You complement each other so well. This cracked me up - especially when Jodie said you thought about chasing down the other lesbian couple and asking them to be your friends. Hilarious. Good luck replacing all the stuff Jodie has broken! =D

  3. Oh my....love reading it so far...will listen when I get home to my own computer...thanks for sharing your lovely stories from down under, ladies...hehehe

  4. I loved it! For some reason the sound of your voices is making me homesick... Even though I am home. Weird!

    The other day Joe was running without a shirt on and two gay guys whistled at him. He thought it was so cool that they felt like they could do that safely, because Vancouver is so accepting. Luckily I wasn't there or else I would have been all like "Step away from my man!" ;)
